All You Need To Do Is Ask

“Is He [not best] who responds to the desperate one when he calls upon Him…” (Qur’an, 27:62)

For whatever problem we have, whatever difficulty we find ourselves in, we have the most powerful weapon to ward off the pain that plagues us. It is the weapon of du`a’. We know with certainty that Allah is Al-Mujeeb (The Responsive). We have read many articles telling us about the importance of du`a’, but in order for our du`a’ to be truly meaningful, we must accompany that du`a’ with a certain brokenness in the heart. This brokenness is the feeling of utter need, submission and surrender to Allah, and realizing that truly it is only He who can get us out of our state. In a beautiful hadith qudsi, Allah says:
“O My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another.
O My servants, all of you are astray except for those I have guided, so seek guidance of Me and I shall guide you,
O My servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed, so seek food of Me and I shall feed you.
O My servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing of Me and I shall clothe you.
O My servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of Me and I shall forgive you.
O My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and will not attain benefitting Me so as to benefit Me.
O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any one man of you, that would not increase My kingdom in anything.
O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any one man of you, that would not decrease My kingdom in anything.
O My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more that a needle decreases the sea if put into it.
O My servants, it is but your deeds that I reckon up for you and then recompense you for, so let him who finds good, praise Allah, and let him who finds other than that, blame no one but himself.” (Muslim)
Subhan’Allah (exalted is Allah), this hadith requires us to read it more than once to truly grasp its meaning. In essence, Allah is telling us that everything is from Him – He possesses this whole world and all that is in it, therefore we should seek all of our needs from Him.
Allah has named Himself Al-Mujeeb, which means the One who responds. Just as we are certain that the Qur’an is true, we must be certain that Allah, Al-Mujeeb, will answer our call. We should never think that Allah will not answer, because by feeling so, we are denying this attribute (siffat) of Allah. Whenever we are feeling down, we should not hesitate to ask Him over and over again, and to go into sujood (prostration) and plead because that is the closest that we are to Him. If we realize this, the doors of mercy have been opened for us, because the Prophet said, “For whoever the door of du`a’ opened, for him the doors of mercy are opened.” (Tirmidhi).
Your du`a’ is deposited with Allah , and as was narrated from the Prophet , your du`a’ does something. Either Allah will speedily answer your du`a’ or He will save it for you until the Hereafter, or He will avert something bad equal to the value of the du`a’ (Ahmad). So we should never leave du`a’. The Prophet told us,
“Do not stop making du`a’, because nobody who makes du`a’ is forsaken.” (Hakim)
Insha’Allah, you will be answered. The Prophet said,
“Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him (in supplication) He becomes shy to return them empty.” (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)
Remember: our Lord is not forgetful. Sometimes you might even forget that you once made du`a’ for something, but He might give it to you years later.
No answer?
We must always have certainty that Allah answers. But sometimes doubt enters one’s heart:
“…But I asked, I made du`a’… and I don’t see anything?” Firstly, just as we know that Allah is Al-Mujeeb, we must also know He is Al-Hakeem (the Most Wise).
He may delay answering your prayer for a number of reasons; one is to test your trust in Him. We all say we believe Allah is the Al-Mujeeb when everything lands at our feet, but what about when we don’t immediately see the fruits of our du`a’? I knew a woman who was telling the story of how her husband did not pray. When she married him, she didn’t know, and as the marriage progressed she discovered that he was skeptical of religion as well. So she would wake up every night for qiyam al-layl (the night prayer) and plead with Allah to guide Him. Do you know how long she prayed for? Two years. And she says it was so unexpected; he came home from a business trip with a complete change of heart. It turns out that on the plane he was seated next to a great sheikh who began talking to him. And that is how he changed.
Another reason is that Allah knows when it is best to answer. Perhaps you are asking for a job and He could give you a job at this very moment, but He will delay it because He knows that in a couple of months, a better job will come along. Perhaps what you are asking for is not good for you, or He will give you something better in the Hereafter.
Allah also may delay the answer to make us work harder so we are prepared for it. If we look at Palestine, we may think, “Wow, the Muslim Ummah prays so much and we don’t see anything changing.” But in truth, although the majority of the Ummah prays intensely during Ramadan, many do not make du`a’ with true pleading. It is almost an afterthought. And if we do (such as when we see the carnage that happened in Gaza) we do not follow up our words by utilizing the means to change the situation; we forget (as is happening now). There are some genuine people who work for change, but they are a minority. So we need to be patient because we need to know that Allah is training the Ummah. The answer is being delayed so that we become worthy of this task.
There is a beautiful hadith qudsi which states that Allah sometimes delays the answer because He loves hearing the sound of His servant (At-Tabari). Many of us would ask and then when we get what we want we stop going to Allah ; but imagine that when the answer is delayed, Allah loves to hear YOUR voice again as you call Him. Wow.
Allah does not place a burden on us greater than we can bear. If the answer to your du`a’ has been delayed, it’s because Allah KNOWS you can handle it. He tests those whom He loves, so keep asking and remember that Allah makes with hardship ease. And remember, as with tawakkul, we need to exert effort as well.
Four conditions
Ibn Al-Qayyim said he who fulfills the following conditions should know that Allah will surely answer his du`a’:
1. Have certainty that Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala will answer your du`a’. The Prophet said, “Ask Allah with certainty that He will answer your prayers.” (Tirmidhi)
2. Show submissiveness and devotion during your du`a’. The Prophet said, ‘Know that Allah will not accept the supplication from an absent heart.’ (Tirmidhi)
3. Be patient and do not hasten for an answer. The Prophet said: ‘The du`a’ of any worshipper will continue to be responded to, as long as… he is not hasty’ i.e. as long as he doesn’t lose patience. [Muslim]
4. Continue to gain a lawful means of living. The Prophet narrated a story about a man asking Allah, saying “O Lord! O Lord!” but his food was unlawful, his drink was unlawful, his clothing was unlawful, and he was nourished unlawfully; so how can he be answered?!” (Muslim)

Femeia in crestinism

Cateva citate despre femeia in crestinism. Surse autentice:

Nu de putine ori unii crestini se impauneaza cu respectul pe care il acorda aceasta religie femeii, in contrast cu alte religii, cum ar fi islamul.

Sa vedem care este pozitia lui Evagrie Ponticul, monah si teolog celebru din secolul al IV-lea:

Vederea femeii e sageata otravita; raneste sufletul si-si varsa il el veninul, si cu cat ramane in el, pe atat puroi lucreaza in el.
Cine se fereste de aceste sageti nu va da pe la praznicele poporului, nici nu va umbla gura-casca pe la sarbatori; caci e mai bine sa ramana acasa petrecand in rugaciuni decat sa ajunga prada vrajmasilor socotind ca cinsteste sarbatorile

Fugi de intalnirea femeilor daca vrei sa fii cuminte, si nu le da indrazneala sa cuteze candva impotriva ta, fiindca la inceput fie chiar au, fie se prefac ca au evlavie, dar mai apoi indraznesc cu nerusinare toate.
La prima intalnire au privirea in jos, vorbesc bland si plang cu compatimire, au o figura nobila si suspina amar, intreaba despre neprihanire si asculta cu sarguinta.
Daca le vezi a doua oara, ridica putin capul.
A treia oara, se uita fara de rusine; de-abia zambesti, ca si izbucnesc in hohote de ras; dupa care se impodobesc si se arata elegante, arunca priviri care vestesc patima, isi intind sprancenele, clipesc din pleoape, isi dezgolesc gatul si bratele, fac figuri atatatoare cu tot trupul, spun cuvinte care inmoaie patima si-si gatesc o voce care sa incante auzul, asediind prin toate acestea sufletul.
Toate acestea devin pentru tine un carlig care te momeste spre moarte si un navod bine impletit care te trage spre pierzanie.
Sa nu te amageasca folosind cuvinte binevoitoare, fiindca in ele se ascunde raul venin al fiarelor.

Mai bine sa te apropii de un foc care arde decat de o femeie tanara, daca esti si tu tanar. Caci daca te apropii de foc si suferi durere, indata vei sari din el; dar odata imblanzit de vorbele femeilor, nu te vei departa usor

Daca ti-e mila de vrajmas, iti va fi dusman, iar daca cruti patima, se va scula iarasi impotriva ta

Nu-ti preda gandirea imaginarii unei femei, nici nu sta mult de vorba cu o fata care ti se arata, ca sa nu se aprinda in tine flacara placerii si sa nu arda aria de treierat a sufletului tau

Sa vedem si opiniile unora cu greutate si mai mare din punct de vedere teologic.

Sf.Augustin spune:

“Care este diferenţa dintre femei chiar dacă este o soţie sau o mamă. Refuz să cred că femeia poate fi om. Funcţia sa exclusivă este de a naşte copii.”

Sf.Toma de Aquino:

“Cu privire la natura individuală, femeia este plină de defecte şi nelegitimă, pentru că ea este încă Eva cea amăgitoare şi din această cauză noi trebuie sa ne ferim de orice femeie”

Martin Luther:

„Dacă ele se vor îmbolnăvi sau chiar vor muri nu este nici o problemă. Lăsaţi-le să moară la naştere pentru că ele de asta există.”

Apostolul Pavel:

„Femeia să primească învăţătură în tăcere, cu toată supunerea”
„Femeii nu-i dau voie să înveţe pe alţii,nici să se ridice mai presus de bărbat ci să rămână în tăcere”
„Căci întâi a fost întocmit Adam ,şi apoi Eva”
„Şi nu Adam a fost amăgit;ci femeia s-a făcut vinovată de călcarea poruncii.” Timotei (2:11-14)

Sf. Tertulian:

„Voi (femeile) ştiţi că sunteţi la fel ca Eva? Dumnezeu a hotărât ca femeile să trăiască asftel; vinovatul aşa trebuie să trăiască.Voi sunteţi poarta răului.Voi aţi fost calea spre copacul interzis. “

Bineinteles, totul porneste de la cartea de capatai a crestinismului, de la biblie. Un singur citat, semnificativ:

Ecleziastul (7:26)„Şi am găsit că mai amară decât moartea este femeia, a cărei inimă este o cursă şi un lanţ şi ale cărei mâini sunt nişte lanţuri; cel plăcut Domnului scapă de ea dar cel păcătos este prins de ea.”

10 Tips to Fight Depression !

10 Tips to Fight Depression !

Assalam O Alaykum,

I would like to share this article,which is very usefull for everyone.

Well,from last few days,i’m xtrmly depressed,so,I was looking for some solution.and i found this article.

.. Feeling down in the dumps, depressed, having the blues: these are just some of the terms used to describe a feeling of hopelessness and despair that can hit even the most optimistic of us at some point in our lives. While clinical depression requires proper professional treatment, the occasional feeling of sadness due to factors ranging from economic difficulty to harassment and discrimination can be helped through some simple spiritual practices. Here are a couple that can help:

1. Look at those below you

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Whenever you see someone better than you in wealth, face or figure, you should look at someone who is inferior to you in these respects” (Bukhari, Muslim). If you are reading this article online, consider this: you are one of the lucky set of human beings on the planet who can afford a computer and internet connection or at least have access to one. The United Nations Development Program’s 2007 Human Development Report notes that there are still around 1 billion people living worldwide at the margins of survival on less than $1 a day, with 2.6 billion living on less than $2 a day. Also consider that in the Quran (14:7), God says that if you are thankful to Him for what you have, He blesses you with more.

2. Serve your fellow human beings

The best way to thank God is to serve humanity, especially those who have less than you. Serving others is uplifting and rewarding. It helps us gain a better perspective on life’s challenges, making us realize how very often, are problems seem so small compared to the awesome difficulties others face. That’s why when the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the Muslims were a small, poor and persecuted community, they used to give to the poor even more. They understood that when you are generous when you have less, you achieve the perspective of a winner. You are focused on the bigger picture.

3. Read Surah Ad Duha

According to one report, after the Prophet had begun receiving revelation from God, at one point a long period of time passed with no such communication from Allah. As a result, the Makkans ridiculed the Prophet and he became severely depressed. That’s when this chapter was revealed (Quran 93: 1-11). The chapter is a beautiful reminder to us to see life in the greater scheme of things, to be grateful for what we have and to never give up striving for what is right. This chapter of the Quran can be considered a direct recipe from God for depression.

4. Turn to God in all situations

Remember that nothing can harm you without the consent of God. While you must take care of yourself, rely on God and know that He is always with you and only He can give you strength in difficult times. Also remember that He will help you can come out of a trying situation as a better person if you deal with it positively.

5. Remember God’s Names

God has many beautiful Names which describe His attributes and powers. These are reminders of His Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Justice, Strength and much, more. Supplicating to God using these Names reminds us that God has these attributes more than any other being and that we can and must rely on Him during good and bad times.

6. Say ‘Hasbun Allahu wa Ni’ mal Wakeel‘;

This has been translated as “God suffices me and He is the best guardian.” It is an excellent way of reminding us that whatever worries we have or problems we face, God has the answer and cure to all of them and is the only One who can really do what is best for us.

7. Make sure when you leave home,

you read this Dua ‘In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is no might nor power except with Allah.’ Bismillahe tawakkaltu alAllahe la haula wa la quwwata illa biAllah.

8. Take your spiritual break from the world,

five times a day Taking a break away from school, work or other life activities to spend a few minutes to remember God helps you reconnect with the Creator of the Universe, fortify your soul and strengthen your resolve to live a better life that is in tune with your faith and principles.

9. End your day on a good note

Shakespeare once wrote a play entitled “All’s well that ends well.” That’s good advice for dealing with depression too. End a day that may have been riddled with challenges and frustrations by making Wudu before going to bed, thinking of God and the Prophet and counting every blessings you have

10. Stop Shaytan in his tracks

Shaytan is the source of many of our negative emotions. It’s his job to make us feel pessimistic and to despair of any good in life. When you feel these feelings coming on, stop him dead in his tracks: say Aoutho billahi minash Shaytan ir Rajeem (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan).

I pray,Almighty will remove these pains from my heart,and make this post usefull for muslims brotehrs and sisters…


Poligamia in crestinism

Dumnezeu a creat familia monogama. Din Cartea Facerii aflam ca Dumnezeu a creat o singura parte barbateasca – Adam, si o singura parte femeiasca – Eva, care au alcatuit prima familie. Dumnezeu nu a creat mai multe femei pentru un singur barbat sau mai multi barbati pentru o singura femeie.

Prima familie poligama apare in Vechiul Testament la Lameh, un urmas al lui Cain, care si-a luat doua femei, pe Ada si pe Sela (Facere 4, 17). Dumnezeu a ingaduit poligamia. El i-a lasat pe oameni in aceasta cadere a lor ca sa-i poata aduce treptat, la ceea ce a fost la inceput familia. Familia patriarhului Avraam, cunoaste o forma de concubinaj trecator, iar familia lui Iacob reprezinta tipul casatoriei cu mai multe femei. Chiar unii judecatori si regi bine placuti lui Dumnezeu, ca Ghedeon, David sau Solomon au avut un numar mare de sotii si concubine. (Iudit 8, 30; II Regi 2, 2; III Regi 11, 1)

Este evident ca pacatul aduce dezordine. Omul, neascultand de porunca lui Dumnezeu de a nu manca din pomul cunostintei binelui si raului, inlatura randuiala pusa de Dumnezeu in creatie si astfel, raportul barbat-femeie se corupe. Raporturile dintre cei doi, care intretineau comuniunea de iubire, dupa respingerea lui Dumnezeu incep sa aiba trasaturi antagoniste: caracteristica lor este dominarea barbatului asupra femeii si dependenta femeii de barbat.

Sa nu uitam ca binecuvantarea data de Dumnezeu in vederea inmultiii, nu a trezit in cei doi instinctul sexual. Binecuvantarea oferea de la inceput firii puterea de a se inmulti fara tulburare, fara impunerea fortei, fara viclenia seductiei.

Chiar daca poligamia exista la evrei, monogamia era cea pretuita. Acest lucru se arata si in faptul ca Arhiereului, i se permitea numai casatoria cu o singura fecioara (Levitic 21, 13-14). In scrierile profetice idealul casatoriei monogame este prezentat ca simbol al unirii dintre Dumnezeu si poporul sau. (Ieremia 2, 2; Iezechiel 16, 8). Iar in cartea Tobit, monogamia apare nu numai ca ceva firesc ci si uzual.

In vremea lui Moise, poligamia se inradacinase atat de mult, incat el nu a putut sa o indeparteze. Pentru israeliti, casatoria monogama a fost institutia ideala randuita de Dumnezeu. Astfel, Legea interzice casatoria aceluiasi barbat cu doua surori (Levitic 18, 18) sau interzice regelui sa se casatoreasca cu doua femei (Deuteronom 17, 17).

In general poporul evreu a pastrat monogamia, cu exceptia cazului cand nu existau urmasi. Daca un barbat casatorit murea fara sa aiba copii, fratele acestuia trebuia sa ia in casatorie pe vaduva, iar primul copil nascut purta numele fratelui celui mort, ca numele acestuia sa nu se stearga din Israel (Deuteronom 25, 5-6). Aceasta era casatoria de levirat.

Versetul “De aceea va lasa omul pe tatal sau si pe mama sa si se va uni cu femeia sa si vor fi amandoi un trup” (Fac. 2, 24) ne descopera ca la atributul de “un trup” nu se ajunge prin existenta mai multor sotii sau soti deodata. Mantuitorul cand asista la Nunta din Cana nu vorbeste nimic despre Taina Casatoriei. Nu face acest lucru pentru ca nu are de ce sa completeze ceea ce s-a dat la inceput primilor oameni. Daca aceasta nunta nu ar fi fost in firescul lucrurilor, cu siguranta Mantuitorul ar fi actionat altfel si nu S-ar fi limitat la a preface apa in vin.


الاسلام حول العالم – أرقام واحصائيات ماشاء الله

Capitolul 1


  1. Daca Allah este cu tine, atunci de cine te temi? Daca Allah este impotriva ta, atunci ce speranta mai ai?

  2. Nu iti irosi timp cautand defectele oamenilor nici greselile lor.

  3. Focul invidiei arde corpul iar gelozia excesiva este ca un foc fioros.

  4. Daca nu te pregatesti de astazi, nu vei reusi sa faci nimic maine

  5. Retrage-te incet din locurile unde discutiile inutile au loc

  6. Lasa ca atitudinea si caracterul tau sa fie mai frumoase decat o gradina

  7. Infaptuieste acte de bunatate si vei fi cea mai fericita

  8. Placerea faptelor haram sunt urmate de regret, pierdere si pedeapsa.

Zece sfaturi

  1. Nu uita ca Allah Subhana wa Ta’alaa este cel care iarta pe cei care se caiesc si  accept ape cei care se intorc la El.

  2. Fii milostiva cu cel slab, si vei fii fericita; daruieste celor nevoiasi si iti va fii bine; nu invidia si vei avea o stare buna.

  3. Fii optimista caci Allah este cu tine si ingerii se roaga pentru iertarea ta iar Paradisul te asteapta

  4. Sterge-ti lacrimile, apropie-te de Stapanul tau si indeparteaza-ti grijile amintindu-ti de binecuvantarile pe care Allah  ti le-a daruit.

  5. Aceasta lume nu este nici de departe perfecta pentru cineva. Nu exista nimeni pe acest pamant care sa primeasca tot ceea ce isi doreste si care sa nu aiba disconforturi.

  6. Sa ai mereu teluri inalte.

  7. Nu stiai ca mahnirea aduce inapoi lucruri trecute? Atunci de ce sa fii suparata sau ingrijoarata?

  8. Nu astepta incercari si problem mai degraba asteapta pace, siguranta si sanatate cu voia lui Allah.

  9. Stinge flacarile invidiei din inima ta iertand pe toti cei care te-au ranit.

  10. Ghusul, wudu, siwak sunt tratamente efficient pentru toate felurile de griji si stari de disconfort emotional.

Nu exista alta divinitate in afara de Allah!

Femeia care a invins tirania

Trecutul este in urma iar viitorul este incert. Tot ce ai este prezentul.

Priveste la textele islamice, Quranul si Sunnah. Allah Preainaltul lauda femeile dreptcredincioase:

„Si Allah a dat-o drept pilda pentru aceia care cred pe muierea lui Faraon, care a zis: „Doamne, dureaza-mi mie o casa langa Tine in Rai si mantuieste-ma pe mine de Faraon si de fapta sa si mantuieste-ma pe mine de neamului de nelegiuiti!”

(Quran 66:11)

Gandeste-te cum Allah a facut pe Asyah – un exemplu pentru toti dreptcredinciosii si dreptcredincioasele, un symbol clar pentru toti care vor sa fie calauziti si sa urmeze calea lui Allah in aceasta viata. Cat de inteleapta a fost aceasta femeie si a pus calea lui Allah deasupra intereselor lumesti. S-a eliberat de  Faraon si a refuzat sa traiasca in palatul lui cu servitorii lui si cu intregul lux. A gasit o casa mai frumoasa si eterna cu gradini si rauri intr-un loc al adevarului aproape de AllahPreainaltul.

„Intr-un loc al adevarului, langa un Stapan Atotputernic.”

(Quran 54:55)

Ea a fost o femeie puternica a carei ambitie si sinceritate a condus-o spre calea adevarului si credintei. Ea a fost torturata de dragul lui Allah Preainaltul dar in final si-a castigat o casa in Paradis iar Allah Preainaltul a dat-o un exemplu pentru toti dreptcredinciosii si dreptcredincioasele.

Fii optimista chiar daca te afli in miezul unei furtuni

Ai o multime de binecuvantari

„Alaturi de greu vine si usorul”

(Quran 94:6)

Dupa noapte vine zi. Norii grijilor vor fi spulberati intunecimea dezastrului se va risipi si greutatile se vor incheia prin voia lui Allah. Aminteste-ti ca vei fii recompensata, iar daca esti mama, copiii tau vor fii un ajutor benefic islamului daca ii educi corect. Ei se vor ruga pentru tine cand se vor ruga in noapte. Sa nu uiti ca mama Profetului Muhammad (pacea si binecuvantarea lui Allah fie asupra sa) a oferit omenirii un mare conducator, un trimis nobil.

Ai potential sa fii o dayah (cea care cheama la calea lui Allah), chemand alte femei la islam cu vorbe frumoase, comportament frumos, intelepciune si fiind un exemplu bun. O femeie poate obtine prin comportament si fapte frumoase lucruri care nu se pot obtine la khutba, lectii sau seminarii. De cate ori nu s-a intamplat ca o femeie care se muta intr-un cartier ca oamenii sa inceapa sa discute despre comportamentul ei, modestia, valul, atitudinea ei frumoasa, bunatatea fata de vecini, respectul pentru sotul si familia ei devenind un exemplu pentru cei din jur?

Curand florile vor inflori, supararea va trece si fericirea va domina.

„…Si Allah va face sa vina dupa stramtoare belsug.”

(Quran 65:7)

Este o onoare imensa ca esti musulmana

Tot ceea ce ti se intampla de dragul lui Allah este cu voia Lui o ispasire pentru tine. S-a relatat ca:

Daca o femeie este supusa Domnului ei, se roaga de cinci ori pe zi si isi pastreaza onoarea, ea va intra in Paradisului Domnului ei.”

Acestea sunt usor de indeplinit pentru cele pe care Allah le usureaza. Facand aceste fapte il vei intalni pe Allah Cel Milostiv, fiind fericita in aceasta lume precum si in Viata de apoi. Urmeaza legile Lui oriunde te conduc si urmeaza Quranul si Sunnah Trimisului Lui Muhammad (pacea si binecuvantarea lui Allah fie asupra sa) caci esti o femeie musulmana si aceasta binecuvantare este o sursa de onoare si mandrie. Unele femei se nasc  pe taramurile necredintei dar Allah a ales  ca tu sa fii o femeie musulmana si El te-a facut dintre cele care urmeaza traditia profetica precum Aisa, Fatima, Khadija. Felicitari caci te rogi de 5 ori pe zi, postesti in luna Ramadhan, mergi la pelerinaj si porti hijab. Felicitari caci esti multumita ca islamul este religia ta si Muhammad (pacea si binecuvantarea lui Allah fie asupra sa) este profetul tau.

Aurul tau este religia ta, impodobirea ta este atitudinea ta morala iar bogatia ta sunt bunele maniere.

Poti fii cea mai fericita femeie din lume

Pentru fiecare femeie musulmana ce a ales islamul ca religia ei.
Pentru fiecare fata musulmana care urmeaza calea adevarului si mesajul sinceritatii.

Pentru fiecare invatataoare care se straduieste pe calea vorbelor sa transmita cunoastere si valori morale si care si-a purificat sufletul.
Pentru fiecare mama care isi creste copiii sa se teama de Allah si sa urmeze sunnah
Pentru fiecare femeie ce simte povara tristetii si grijilor.

Bine ai venit!

Bine ai venit, o sora supusa lui Allah ce se roaga si posteste.
Bine ai venit, o sora inteleapta ce poarta hijab
Bine ai venit, o sora culta si educata
Bine ai venit, o sora loiala, de incredere, sincera si darnica
Bine ai venit, o sora rabdatoare care cauta rasplata de la Allah si care se caieste.

Bine ai venit, o sora care ii multumeste lui Allah
Bine ai venit, o sora ce urmezi drumul Asiei, Mariei si al Khadijei
Bine ai venit, o mame de eroi
Bine ai venit, o sora ce isi apara valorile
Bine ai venit, o sora ce ramai in limitele impuse de Allah si te indepartezi de cele interzise

Happiest woman

Autor: Dr. A’id al-Qarni


Ask Baba Ali – “My Brother’s Girlfriend”

Ask Baba Ali – “Worrying & Aging Sister”

Ask Baba Ali – “Little BackBiter!”

Ask Baba Ali – “Randomly Checked” (at the airport)

Ask Baba Ali – “Racism and Pride”

Ask Baba Ali – “Escaping the Holiday Party”

Ask Baba Ali – “We’re Just Friends”

Ask Baba Ali – “The Art of Complaining”

Muslimah outfits 2

Classy casual

Preppy princess

Muslim outfits

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